Pangu Has Finally Demoed Their iOS 10 Jailbreak at MOSEC 2016


About a week ago I released a post and video talking about the possibility of an iOS 9.3.2/9.3.3 jailbreak being released today at Pangu’s MOSEC 2016 conference. Now that the day and arrived and the Pangu team have done their talk, I can confirm that there will not be a jailbreak released today. However we got the next best thing. Pangu have demoed their working iOS 10 jailbreak on a non-64 bit device!

At the end of their talk, the team said that they had “One more thing…” to talk about. It was at this point they showed to the audience their working iOS 10 jailbreak which was running on an iPhone 6s. Pangu will obviously not be releasing this to the public just yet though. When iOS 10 is released to the public in September, it should be shortly followed by Pangu’s jailbreak, provided it isn’t patched between now and then.

mosec ios 10 jb demoClick to Enlarge

The fact that this jailbreak was demoed on a 64 bit device is also very important, as it proves that it is not using iH8sn0w’s iBoot exploit which only works with 32 bit devices (iPhone 5/5c). There is plenty reason to get excited about this, as it confirms that when iOS 10 is released a jailbreak will soon follow. This exploit should hopefully also work with iOS 9.3.3 and below when it is released for those who don’t wish to update.

There were also rumors from the conference that an iOS 9.3.2 jailbreak would be released soon. However this do not seem likely to be true. Pangu talked about a security flaw in iOS 9.3.2 but did not mention anything to do with jailbreaking it. It is of course possible that it could happen, but I wouldn’t get your hopes up.

While we will unfortunately have to do a little more waiting for a new jailbreak, at least we know for sure that there will be one. When the jailbreak is released be the first to know about it by subscribing to iPodHacks142 on YouTube and checking this website regularly. Both will have full guides and download links when available.

Video Explanation:

Source: Weibo


    • Once you update to a version of iOS which is not compatible with the jailbreak there is no going back. But if you do not restore or update it will always be there.

    • More than likely yes. I wouldn’t expect any browser based jailbreaks to be released again so it would require a computer. There will be a full guide here and on my YouTube channel when it is released.

        • When you jailbreak it will remain jailbroken until you update or restore your device. When the jailbreak does get released, I advice not restoring after the latest compatible version is no longer being signed by Apple.


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