It has finally arrived. The jailbreak for iOS 10.0 to 10.1.1 is available to the public at last. After the wait since the previous jailbreak for iOS 9.1 to 9.3.3, lots of people will be relieved to finally be able to jailbreak their updated iOS devices. This is however a semi-tethered jailbreak, meaning whenever you reboot your device you will need to follow steps 9 and 10 of the below guide to restore all jailbreak features. This is very easy though so isn’t a big problem. This new jailbreak is also currently in beta. This means that it is not yet completely stable and may have a lot of issues. It is recommended that people stay away from this jailbreak until it is out of beta, because if anything happens and you need to restore your device, you will be forced to update and lose the ability to jailbreak.
The new jailbreak tool called YALU + mach_portal can be downloaded from qwertyoruiop’s official website and is compatible with iOS 10.1 and 10.1.1 on the iPhone 7/7 Plus, as well as iOS 10.0, 10.0.1, 10.0.2 and 10.0.2 on other devices. This new jailbreak only works with 64-bit devices, meaning it will never work with the iPhone 5 or 5c unfortunately. At the moment this tool also only supports the iPhone 7, iPhone 6s, and iPad Pro. More device support will be added as development continues.
Requirements & Notes:
- This jailbreak is currently in BETA and it is therefore NOT recommended that you use it at this time. If you choose to use this you do so at your own risk.
- This is currently compatible with iOS 10.1 – 10.1.1 on the iPhone 7, and 10.0 – 10.1.1 on other supported devices.
- This is a semi-tethered jailbreak (read steps 9 and 10)
- This will only work with 64-bit iOS devices (not the iPhone 5/5c)
- This currently works with the following devices:
– iPhone 7/7 Plus
– iPhone 6s/6s Plus
– iPad Pro - This works on macOS, Windows, and Linux
- You make sure to backup all your data to iTunes or iCloud before attempting this jailbreak
- You should turn off Find my iPhone, and your passcode/Touch ID lock before trying to jailbreak
- If you do not have a paid Apple developer account, the mach_portal app will start to crash one week after being installed. This is because the certificate for it will have expired. To fix this, all you need to do is reinstall the mach_portal app using the instructions below.
Download Links:
- YALU + mach_portal IPA
- Cydia Impactor (Windows / Mac / Linux 32-bit / Linux 64-bit)
Written Guide:
- Download the yalu + mach_portal jailbreak app from the link above and save it somewhere. Then download the latest version of Cydia Impactor (a program made by saurik) for your operating system from the links above. Version 0.9.35 minimum is required. Extract it and open the ‘Impactor’ file.
- Once it opens, make sure your iOS device is plugged into your computer, and that your passcode, Touch ID lock and Find my iPhone is turned off during the jailbreak process. Select your device in the drop down menu.
- Find the yalu + mach_portal app IPA file you downloaded earlier and drag it into the Cydia Impactor tool. If a warning appears, click ‘OK’.
- You will be asked to enter your Apple ID. This is used only to create a certificate for the mach_portal app to be installed and will not be visible to anything other than Apple’s servers.
- Once you have entered your Apple ID and password, click ‘OK’. The mach_portal app should now be installed on your device.
- Once the mach_portal app is installed, open Settings and navigate to General>Profiles & Device Management and find the mach_portal app profile (should be your Apple ID). Open it and click ‘Trust’ twice.
- Open the mach_portal app. Once you do this you leave your device to do the jailbreak. The mach_portal app should now be installing Cydia. Do NOT do anything else with the device while this is happening.
- Once Cydia is installed your device will respring. Cydia should now be on your home screen! Open the Cydia app and it should crash the first time. When it does, open it again and it should open without any problems. If it doesn’t open, follow steps 9 and 10.
- As this is a Semi-Tethered jailbreak, after you reboot your device all jailbreak features will be disabled. To fix this all you need to do is open the mach_portal app, and wait a few seconds for your device to respring (do not press anything on the device in this time)
- Once your device resprings, your jailbreak functionality will be restored!
- If you do not have a paid Apple developer account, the mach_portal app may start to crash one week after being installed. This is because the certificate for it will have expired. To fix this, all you need to do is reinstall the mach_portal app using the instructions you just followed.
Video Guide:
Coming soon!
ALSO SEE: How to Dual-Boot 2 Versions of iOS on a Jailbroken iPhone Using CoolBooter