How to Fix Prometheus / futurerestore Errors and Frequently Asked Questions


By now you all probably know of Prometheus, the tool which allows you to restore to unsigned iOS versions using SHSH2 blobs. If you don’t know what it is, here’s a guide to restoring to iOS 12.1.2. A lot of people have encountered errors while using futurerestore. This article will attempt to help as many people as possible solve their issues.

Some of the main issues people have when trying to use futurerestore are caused because their Mac or Linux machine does not have some of the required dependencies installed. This essentially means the software that needs to be installed on your computer before futurerestore can work.

Errors and How to Fix Them

“dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/lib/libzip.dylib” / “Reason: image not found” / “Abort trap: 6”

This issue is usually caused because software than futurerestore depends on to run is not installed on your computer. Skip step 1 if you are using a Linux machine. If you are asked for a password at any point, just type your Mac account password and press the enter key.

  1. Open the Terminal application on your Mac and type in the following command:

    xcode-select --install

    This should open a pop-up asking you to install the Xcode Command Line Tools. Click the Install button to download and install this.

  2. You now need to install “homebrew” in order to install the tools required for futurerestore. To do this, type the following command into the Terminal application and wait for it to finish installing:

    /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

  3. Now you need to install the tools required for futurerestore. Copy and paste the commands below into Terminal (one at a time):

    brew install automake autoconf libtool pkg-config libplist openssl libzip

    git clone && cd ./libirecovery && bash && make install


    git clone && cd ./libcrippy && bash && make install


    git clone && cd ./libfragmentzip && bash && make install


    git clone && cd ./libpartialzip && bash && make install

  4. Once all of those tools have been installed, type the commands below into Terminal (again, one by one):

    cd /usr/local

    sudo mkdir ssl

    sudo chmod 777 /usr/local/ssl


    git clone

    cd openssl



    make install

  5. Now you should update curl. To do this type the following command into Terminal:

    brew install curl

  6. You now need to copy and paste the commands below into Terminal (one at a time):

    ln -s /usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/libcrypto.1.0.0.dylib /usr/local/lib/

    ln -s /usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/libssl.1.0.0.dylib /usr/local/lib/

    ln -s /usr/local/Cellar/openssl/1.0.2j/bin/openssl openssl

You should hopefully now be able to run futurerestore without any problems.

If you have any errors which are not listed here, please comment them below or contact me on Twitter @iPodHacks142 so I can add them.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I run futurerestore on Windows?
A: Yes, the latest forked version of futurerestore by s0uthwest supports both Mac and Windows.

Q: When I run nonceEnabler on my device, I get an error like “[!] failed to get the kernel base address”. What does this mean?
A: This error usually means that you are using a jailbreak that doesn’t have task_for_pid_0 (tfp0) functionality. This does, unfortunately, mean that you can’t install nonceEnabler on your phone, and can’t use futurerestore with a forced generator. Look at my guide for a list of compatible jailbreaks.

Q: I left futurerestore running for hours on my non-jailbroken device and didn’t get any collisions. Did I do something wrong?
A: The non-jailbreak method of using futurerestore is pretty unlikely to work, your device would have to randomly generate the exact same nonce as the one in your SHSH2 blob. If you have this running for more than an hour or two, its probably worth giving up.

Q: Does Touch ID work after using futurerestore to restore my device?
A: This depends on the SEP files of the current signed version by Apple, and the version you are trying to restore to. For example, the sep version for iOS 10.2.1 and 10.2 are the same, therefore Touch ID will work in this case. However, the SEP for iOS 10.2.1 is not fully compatible with iOS 10.1.1, meaning Touch ID would not work if restoring to iOS 10.1.1 with iOS 10.2.1 SEP.

Q: When I try to set a custom generator using nvram on my device, I get an error like “nvram: Error setting variable – ‘’: (iokit/common) general error”. How do I fix this?
A: As far as I can tell, this usually occurs when nonceEnabler has either not been installed on the device, or you got an error when you tried to install nonceEnabler. Make sure to add the nonceEnabler patch to your device, or you will not be able to set custom generators using nvram.

This article may be updated from time to time, so keep checking back if your error or question is not listed here.

ALSO SEE: How to Restore/Update to iOS 12.1.2 and Jailbreak Using futurerestore (iPhone / iPod touch / iPad)


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  3. […] How to Fix Prometheus / futurerestore Errors and Frequently Asked. – Feb 4, 2017. Some of the main issues people have when trying to use. Q: When I run nonceEnabler on my device, I get an error like “[!] failed to get the kernel base address”. Q: Does Touch ID work after using futurerestore to restore my device ?. iOS 10.2 Unsigned Using Prometheus on iPhone, iPod touch or iPad. […]

  4. Hello. I have a 4s. running the 8.4.1 downgrade from 9.3.5 . I noticed that itunes doesnt recognize it as being in DFU mode after I use the app from cydia. it does go black and everything else works right. just once I type in the “./futurerestore_macos -p BuildManifest.plist…” it gives this error:

    ERROR: Device is in an invalid state
    [INFO] 32bit device detected
    [Error] can’t init, no device found
    Failed with errorcode=-3

    And I have done all of the above commands.

  5. Hi all,

    Firstly, thanks for all these useful writeups.

    I am trying to downgrade my iphone 6s from 10.2.1 to 10.2.2 using the blobs I had saved with the latest futurerestore (106). I am getting the following error:

    ./futurerestore_macos -t 1.shsh2 -b Mav13-2.41.00.Release.bbfw -p BuildManifest.plist -s sep-firmware.n71m.RELEASE.im4p -m BuildManifest.plist -w iPhone_4.7_10.2_14C92_Restore.ipsw
    Version: d8b69365ecb78414d8a6bf024d449133f581b6d4 – 106
    [INFO] 32bit device detected
    futurerestore init done
    [Error] Error: failed to load shsh file 1.shsh2
    [Error] Fail code=-38
    Failed with errorcode=-38

    Any clues?

  6. Hi!
    My device is iphone 6 plus IOS 10.2.1. After resolving all the problems, I went to the last step. However, I still can not downgarde on IOS 10.2 because I can not find the appropriate apticket. Help me!

  7. I have tried to use future restore on 2 different iMacs, a vm mac and now vm linux. All these systems gave me the exact same code. I am using a iPhone 6 with n61ap, and it is on ios 9.0.2. I set the nonce using cl0ver and nonceEnabler and have even used nvram patcher, setting the nonce is a succes. I have also checked the shsh2 blob and it is valid. But when i run future restore it gives me the same error code over and over again errorcode=-11. Also, i have read almost all the Issues regarding this and the solutions and it still won’t work. Any help ?

  8. Hello, hello, i have an iPhone 6s on ios 9.3.3 jailbreaked, and those shsh2 for ios 10.2 and ios 10.2.1, i use future restore for trying to upgrade to ios 10.2, and i can’t upgrade, here is my terminal commands

    ./futurerestore_macos -t 6835589088456_iPhone8,1_n71ap_10.2-14C92.shsh2 -b Mav13-2.41.00.Release.bbfw -p BuildManifest.plist -s sep-firmware.n71m.RELEASE.im4p -m BuildManifest.plist iPhone_4.7_10.2_14C92_Restore.ipsw

    And here is the result at the end.

    Connecting now…
    Connected to, version 14
    Device ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff00000033 has successfully entered restore mode
    Hardware Information:
    BoardID: 4
    ChipID: 32768
    UniqueChipID: 6835589088456
    ProductionMode: true
    Starting FDR listener thread
    About to send NORData…
    Found firmware path Firmware/all_flash/all_flash.n71ap.production
    Getting firmware manifest Firmware/all_flash/all_flash.n71ap.production/manifest
    Extracting LLB.n71.RELEASE.im4p…
    Personalizing IMG4 component LLB…
    Extracting iBoot.n71.RELEASE.im4p…
    Personalizing IMG4 component iBoot…
    Extracting DeviceTree.n71ap.im4p…
    Personalizing IMG4 component DeviceTree…
    Extracting applelogo@2x~iphone.s8000.im4p…
    Personalizing IMG4 component AppleLogo…
    Extracting recoverymode@1334~iphone-lightning.s8000.im4p…
    Personalizing IMG4 component RecoveryMode…
    Extracting batterylow0@2x~iphone.s8000.im4p…
    Personalizing IMG4 component BatteryLow0…
    Extracting batterylow1@2x~iphone.s8000.im4p…
    Personalizing IMG4 component BatteryLow1…
    Extracting batterycharging0@2x~iphone.s8000.im4p…
    Personalizing IMG4 component BatteryCharging0…
    Extracting batterycharging1@2x~iphone.s8000.im4p…
    Personalizing IMG4 component BatteryCharging1…
    Extracting glyphplugin@1334~iphone-lightning.s8000.im4p…
    Personalizing IMG4 component BatteryPlugin…
    Extracting batteryfull@2x~iphone.s8000.im4p…
    Personalizing IMG4 component BatteryFull…
    Personalizing IMG4 component RestoreSEP…
    Personalizing IMG4 component SEP…
    Sending NORData now…
    Done sending NORData
    ERROR: Unable to receive message from FDR 0x7fa38bbd6870 (-2). 0/2 bytes

  9. -t xxxxxxxxxxxxx_iphone8,1_n71ap_10.2-14c92.shsh2 -b mav13-2.41.00.RELEASE.bbfw -p buildmanifest.plist -s sepfirmware.n71.RELEASE.imp4 -m buildmanifest.plist -w iphone_4.7_10.2_14c93_Restore.ipsw
    Version 6aa18cd06789de1573263aa301a4242db044ceb – 89
    Futurerestore init done
    [error] failed to load apticket at xxxxxxxxxxxxx_iphone8,1_n71ap_10.2-14c92.shsh2
    [error] Fail code=-9
    Failed with errorcode=-9

    Apticket verified for iPhone 6s n71ap build and with rosi tags
    So why won’t it read the ticket I am lost please can you help and yes I would be classed as noob
    Thank you

  10. I have an iPhone5S on 10.2.1. I have valid blobs for 10.2. But there´s no more repeated nonces. So I modified one of my SHSH blobs (almost 2 hours). Now futurerestore matches the device nonce. It does everything until “waiting for device” in restore mode. Error 11. I must say that using tongbu (almost for sure) the 100% collision issue appears on my iPhone.

    Trying and trying finally (as I expect since the beginning) I was forced to restore 10.2.1 and start again. The 100% issue was gone and of course the nonce used now is not valid.

    I repeated every step (almost 2 hours again) and I get exactly the same situation. So I have 100% collision, always same nonce from device. But error 11.

  11. Emaxs-MacBook-Pro:Downgrade emax$ ./futurerestore_macos -t 4898566841512_iPhone8,2_n66ap_10.2-14C92.shsh2 -b Mav13-2.41.00.Release.bbfw -p BuildManifest.plist -s sep-firmware.n66.RELEASE.im4p m- BuildManifest.plist -w iPhone_5.5_10.2_14C92_Restore.ipsw
    Version: b35d3e1245da49950028d753b1bdb40fce5d21d5 – 90
    [Error] argument parsing failed! agrc=13 optind=10

    Please Help Getting This Error , Or Tell Me That no Longer This Method Working.

  12. Another Problem with dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/lib/libzip.dylib” / “Reason: image not found” / “Abort trap: 6
    when run : brew install automake autoconf libtool pkg-config libplist openssl lib zip

    this happens: -bash: brew: command not found
    without this I can’t continue

    • Problem was Homebrew was missing. After installation it nearly works but after the final command
      cames this error:

      Version: 6aa188cd06789de1573263aa301a4242db044ceb – 89
      [Error] argument parsing failed! agrc=11 optind=9

      What should I do to get further

    • hallo dear
      please i tried to uesd futurerestore for non-jailbreak iphone it work on ios 10.2.1 to downgrade to ios 10.2…
      i saved the shsh2 before on ios 10.2 and i followed all this steps and everything going oke without any errors
      but it is take a lot of time between 10-12 hours to bring Apnonce from iphone… i tried 8 time but it not success unfortunately…
      i would to ask you what is the version of futurerestore tool you are uesd?
      and is your iphone was on ios 10.2.1…
      please help me due to i lose a lot of time when i trying to downgrade to ios 10.2… and no positive results…

  13. So i was doing this in a oracle virtualbox and as soon as i put it in recovery mode its not detected by the vm but it is detected by my normal pc on itunes what can i do to fix this

  14. After the restore, I noticed that there’s a .dmg file on my Downgrade folder. Is that file somehow useful, should I delete it or keep it? Thanks again.

  15. Waiting for device…
    ERROR: Unable to connect to device in restore mode
    ERROR: Unable to open device in restore mode
    [Error] ERROR: Unable to restore device
    Done: restoring failed.
    Failed with errorcode=-11

    can help pls

    • In the terminal, type in “nvram auto-boot=false” this will essentially disable the autoboot (booting up into your ios, so you can proceed with prometheus instead)
      (Also there’s an optional step: check that auto boot is false by running “ nvram -p and hit enter, you should see a bunch of lines, one of which is auto boot is set to false, if so, you’re good to go).
      In the same terminal again type in “ reboot “ and enter.

      • Upon below message I decide to leave it for now.


        hallo everyone,
        please all of you stop to trying with this method due to the server TSS of Apple now not working
        because in this period just one ios version signed by Apple, so in near future if apple release new ios, so we will have two ios signed, and if someone need to downgrade from ios 10.3 to ios 10.2.1 hier apple TSS server will return to work….
        so in that period we will be able to make restore with futurerestore method….
        i hope you feel relax now and waiting little bit
        a lot of thanks for Mr. Josh


          • Noted with thanks for your reply..

            However may you advise how to fix my error message below.


            And here is the result at the end.

            Connecting now…
            Connected to, version 14
            Device ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff00000033 has successfully entered restore mode
            Hardware Information:
            BoardID: 4
            ChipID: 32768
            UniqueChipID: 6835589088456
            ProductionMode: true
            Starting FDR listener thread
            About to send NORData…
            Found firmware path Firmware/all_flash/all_flash.n71ap.production
            Getting firmware manifest Firmware/all_flash/all_flash.n71ap.production/manifest
            Extracting LLB.n71.RELEASE.im4p…
            Personalizing IMG4 component LLB…
            Extracting iBoot.n71.RELEASE.im4p…
            Personalizing IMG4 component iBoot…
            Extracting DeviceTree.n71ap.im4p…
            Personalizing IMG4 component DeviceTree…
            Extracting applelogo@2x~iphone.s8000.im4p…
            Personalizing IMG4 component AppleLogo…
            Extracting recoverymode@1334~iphone-lightning.s8000.im4p…
            Personalizing IMG4 component RecoveryMode…
            Extracting batterylow0@2x~iphone.s8000.im4p…
            Personalizing IMG4 component BatteryLow0…
            Extracting batterylow1@2x~iphone.s8000.im4p…
            Personalizing IMG4 component BatteryLow1…
            Extracting batterycharging0@2x~iphone.s8000.im4p…
            Personalizing IMG4 component BatteryCharging0…
            Extracting batterycharging1@2x~iphone.s8000.im4p…
            Personalizing IMG4 component BatteryCharging1…
            Extracting glyphplugin@1334~iphone-lightning.s8000.im4p…
            Personalizing IMG4 component BatteryPlugin…
            Extracting batteryfull@2x~iphone.s8000.im4p…
            Personalizing IMG4 component BatteryFull…
            Personalizing IMG4 component RestoreSEP…
            Personalizing IMG4 component SEP…
            Sending NORData now…
            Done sending NORData
            ERROR: Unable to receive message from FDR 0x7fa38bbd6870 (-2). 0/2 bytes


          • I can restore from iOS 9.3.3 jailbreak to unsigned iOS 10.2 by using correct sep file upon below comment. Thanks for all of your support.

            “You are using wrong sep file.
            I got the same error when using mAP with AP model for my 6s+.
            Please recheck and try again.”

  16. Hey guys, it says “”waiting for device”” then i got errorcode=-11.. any ideas to solve this error??

    *Note: i’m using vm player runing macOS sierra 10.12

  17. Hi, I’m currently jailbroken (iPhone 6S on iOS 9.3.3 using jbme to rejailbreak). I’m using macOS Sierra on a virtualbox. For some reasons, as soon as I get into recovery mode, my mac is unable to connect to my phone (iTunes on windows still connect perfectly) and I keep getting the same error message from terminal:
    Entering recovery mode… ERROR: Unable to connect to device in recovery mode ERROR: Unable to enter recovery mode [Error] Unable to place device into recovery mode from Normal mode [Error] Fail code=-2 Failed with errorcode=-2
    Being unable to connect, I’m not able to use the recovery mode to reset my generator either. Did I miss something? I’m fairly new to this but read a lot and I’m pretty sure all dependencies have been installed correctly. I came across all possible tutorial but I must have missed something basic. Any help would be appreciated. Many thanks 🙂

    • Use iPhoneTunnel in Mac.
      Set the USB controller to 2 in VirtualBox.
      and run the futurerestore command without rebooting the phone in the other terminal.

      • Hi Mark,
        Thanks for your reply. So far can’t find iPhoneTunnel for mac. Anyway I was under the impression Python would do the same. USB controller are set to 2 already. I ran the whole command as follow:
        ./futurerestore_macos -t xxxxxxxxxxx_iPhone8,1_10.2-14C92.shsh2 -b Mav13-2.41.00.Release.bbfw -p BuildManifest.plist -s sep-firmware.n71.RELEASE.im4p -m BuildManifest.plist -w iPhone_4.7_10.2_14C92_Restore.ipsw

        Seems like i’m the only one experiencing this error 🙁

        • Your command looks fine theres nothing wrong with it.
          And by the way you set the generator before you enter recovery.
          So SSH into device ( i prefer iPhoneTunnel) then do the whole nonceEnabler thing, then set nvram.
          Also in VM look for an option to “show all USB devices”.

          • Generator was indeed set before recovery. In ran the nvram command and confirm with nvram -p and the generator was indeed pushed correctly. I couldn’t find any show all USB devices option in virtualbox USB settings. I should probably go to bed for now. Thanks for your help 🙂

    • 5- In the same terminal (terminal A), type in “nvram auto-boot=false” this will essentially disable the autoboot (booting up into your ios, so you can proceed with prometheus instead)
      (Also there’s an optional step: check that auto boot is false by running “ nvram -p and hit enter, you should see a bunch of lines, one of which is auto boot is set to false, if so, you’re good to go).
      In the same terminal again (terminal A) type in “ reboot “ and enter.

      • Yes I tried that too but the issue is that my iPhone won’t connect to the virtual mac once in recovery mode, the windows host computer takes over and the Mac don’t recognize the iPhone. If I reboot (because I’m under 9.3.3 semi-untether), I lose the ability to ssh my device. I must find the way for my virtual machine to remain connected while in recovery so I can access the phone and process with Prometheus. Thx 🙂

      • No not with virtualbox. I’ve been told to use VMware workstation (pro version only) instead. It has the option to show all usb devices that should (hopefully) prevent connection issue under recovery. I’m setting this up as we speak. Long process but may be worth it.

      • Fixed the issue with vbox by adding a new (blank) filter for all USB with USB setting set to 2.0. Worked on the first attempt afterward

  18. what this problem mean plz help me
    HJTs-Mac:Downgrade hjt$ ./futurerestore_macos -t 7912206748025402_iPhone8,2_n66map_10.2-14C92.shsh2 -b Mav13-2.41.00.Release.bbfw -p BuildManifest.plist -s sep-firmware.n66m.RELEASE.im4p -m BuildManifest.plist iPhone_5.5_10.2_14C92_Restore.ipsw
    Version: 6aa188cd06789de1573263aa301a4242db044ceb – 89
    futurerestore init done
    reading ticket 7912206748025402_iPhone8,2_n66map_10.2-14C92.shsh2 done
    [TSSC] opening BuildManifest.plist
    WARNING: Unable to find BbSkeyId node
    [TSSR] User specified not to request a Baseband ticket.
    Request URL set to
    TSS server returned: STATUS=94&MESSAGE=This device isn’t eligible for the requested build.
    ERROR: TSS request failed (status=94, message=This device isn’t eligible for the requested build.)
    Sending TSS request attempt 1… [Error] sep firmware isn’t signed
    Failed with errorcode=-3
    HJTs-Mac:Downgrade hjt$

  19. Mac-Admin:123 admin$ ./futurerestore_macos -t 6313275922965434_iPhone8,2_n66map_10.2-14C92.shsh2 -b Mav13-2.41.00.Release.bbfw -p BuildManifest.plist -s sep-firmware.n66m.RELEASE.im4p BuildManifest.plist -m BuildManifest.plist -w iPhone_5.5_10.2.ipsw
    Version: b35d3e1245da49950028d753b1bdb40fce5d21d5 – 90
    [Error] argument parsing failed! agrc=14 optind=12


  20. Everything works perfect the only problem I have is when it enters the recovery mode virtualbox does not allow to connect the device but in windows yes, how can I make myself known in virtualbox and not in windows?

    • Hi Miguel,
      I have the exact same issue here with virtualbox and although I’m pretty sure there’s an easy fix, I couldn’t find it yet 🙁

  21. dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/lib/libzip.dylib
    Referenced from: /Users/Danyel/Desktop/Downgrade/./futurerestore_macos
    Reason: image not found
    Trace/BPT trap: 5

    What i must do with this error please help…i have done all but this have kill hole my day and im not finished with this, till i have some answer from you all about this error and what i can do for good work.
    Thank you and let me some helpfully answer. Tnx.

  22. hallo everyone,
    please all of you stop to trying with this method due to the server TSS of Apple now not working
    because in this period just one ios version signed by Apple, so in near future if apple release new ios, so we will have two ios signed, and if someone need to downgrade from ios 10.3 to ios 10.2.1 hier apple TSS server will return to work….
    so in that period we will be able to make restore with futurerestore method….
    i hope you feel relax now and waiting little bit
    a lot of thanks for Mr. Josh

  23. Getting this error doing this:

    No IM4M loaded
    libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type int
    Abort trap: 6

    Any suggestions?

  24. If I run the command “./futurerestore_macos” terminal gives the error
    dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/lib/libzip.dylib
    Referenced from: /Users/Brandon/Desktop/Downgrade/./futurerestore_macos
    Reason: image not found
    Trace/BPT trap: 5
    Brandons-MacBook-Air:Downgrade Brandon$
    I have already entered in all the commands above.

    • Try below….
      brew update
      brew install openssl
      ln -s /usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/libcrypto.1.0.0.dylib /usr/local/lib/
      ln -s /usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/libssl.1.0.0.dylib /usr/local/lib/

        • I had same problem this one fixed…
          brew uninstall libzip
          Then Navigate to the futurerestore directory that you’ve
          brew install libplist
          brew install libzip

          • I tried it now all over again with the same result. I’m giving up for today, no clue how to resolve this.

          • Then Navigate to the futurerestore directory that you’ve…’ve what and what to do into directory or what you mean with futurerestore directory…please explain what we must do verder in that folder?

          • He wants you to do the following:
            1. type in terminal on your mac “brew uninstall libzip”
            2. type “cd” and then the directory of your Downgrade folder, if you used to do things like on the tutorial of this Website it’s: “cd /Users/…./Desktop/Downgrade” and “…” stands for your username. You can get it with “whoami”.
            3. So now your in this folder with the terminal and you type: “brew install libplist”
            and “brew install libzip”

            Watch this first and you’ll understand what he is talking about

      • also tried
        brew update
        brew install openssl
        ln -s /usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/libcrypto.1.0.0.dylib /usr/local/lib/
        ln -s /usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/libssl.1.0.0.dylib /usr/local/lib/
        i won’t help, I still get this error. That’s just frustrating.

        • I had same problem this one fixed…
          brew uninstall libzip
          Then Navigate to the futurerestore directory that you’ve
          brew install libplist
          brew install libzip

          • hmm now I’m getting
            dyld: Library not loaded: /opt/local/lib/libcrypto.1.0.0.dylib
            Referenced from: /Users/…../Desktop/Downgrade/./futurerestore_macos
            Reason: image not found
            Abort trap: 6

    • I’m also facing the same problem, I’ve installed herbew and other dependencies but still receiving the same error. any clue how to fix it?

  25. i will give my impression over non-jailbreak method to downgrade to 10.2
    i tried four time to use this method, but unfortunately not succes and it take each time a lot of time between 9-10 hours.
    it’s still request nonce number over and over and over again….
    so i will stop trying now, and waiting for new method or upgrade the magnesium of this operation….
    a lot of thanks for Ms. thompson for all this information
    and i hope in near future to give us new method to downgrade to ios 10.2
    kind regards

  26. Im stuck at
    Devicenonce does not match APTicket nonce. Error = -11
    My Shsh2 files are valid with both 1conan and img4tool confirmed everything is correct including ROSI tag and device chip model.

    Any ideas?

  27. hello i’m using futurestor in linux and after lanch command i got the folwing error :

    futurerestore -t iPhone6,2_10.2-14C92.shsh -b Mav7Mav8-7.21.00.Release.bbfw -p BuildManifest.plist -s sep-firmware.n53.RELEASE.im4p -m BuildManifest.plist -w iPhone_4.0_64bit_10.2_14C92_Restore.ipsw
    [TSSC] opening BuildManifest.plist
    [TSSR] requesting ticket for iPhone6,1
    WARNING: Unable to find BbSkeyId node
    [TSSR] User specified not to request a Baseband ticket.
    Request URL set to
    TSS server returned: STATUS=94&MESSAGE=This device isn’t eligible for the requested build.
    ERROR: TSS request failed (status=94, message=This device isn’t eligible for the requested build.)
    Sending TSS request attempt 1… [Error] sep firmware isn’t signed
    ubuntu@ubuntu:/media/ubuntu/569C91609C913C05/Soft/Mobile/Iphone/5s/Downgrade$ futurerestore -t iPhone6,2_10.2-14C92.shsh -b Mav7Mav8-7.21.00.Release.bbfw -p BuildManifest.plist -s sep-firmware.n53.RELEASE.im4p -m BuildManifest.plist -w iPhone_4.0_64bit_10.2_14C92_Restore.ipsw
    [Error] failed to load apticket at iPhone6,2_10.2-14C92.shsh
    terminate called after throwing an instance of ‘int’
    Aborted (core dumped)

    can u help me please :
    i have iphone 5s running in 10.2.1 and i will downgrade to 10.2

    • 5- In the same terminal (terminal A), type in “nvram auto-boot=false” this will essentially disable the autoboot (booting up into your ios, so you can proceed with prometheus instead)
      (Also there’s an optional step: check that auto boot is false by running “ nvram -p and hit enter, you should see a bunch of lines, one of which is auto boot is set to false, if so, you’re good to go).
      In the same terminal again (terminal A) type in “ reboot “ and enter.
      Device now should be in recovery (go ahead and plug it in into your computer if you had not done so already, and close iTunes if it launches)

      • wBatrakosvSV, what did you make me do?
        Although I have put the iPad Air in recovery mode, I could not connect using: ssh root@ -p 2222
        Now I can neither restore iOS 10.2 nor can I kick the iPad out of recovery mode.
        Please help.

  28. I strongly advise to stay away from unofficial futurerestore download links that claim to offer windows support. There is no windows version available as there is a problem with some of the programs it depends on which needs to be fixed first. Only download from official links.

  29. I did all steps and I’m still getting the same issue. I don’t know what to do anymore, googled solutions for hours now….

  30. a lot of thanks for you
    more than one problem solved…..
    but i have this messege
    (WARNING: Unable to find BbSkeyId node)
    ([TSSR] User specified not to request a Baseband ticket.)
    (ERROR: Unable to get BasebandFirmware node)
    (ERROR: Unable to find required BbGoldCertId in parameters)
    but it is continue and now it’s getting ApNonce
    is that normal or should i do something
    please help me…..

  31. im currently jailbroken on TaiG 8.4 and keep getting the “[!] failed to get the kernel base address” error although this jailbreak version should have tfp0 enabled

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